This Guy Crashed While Livestreaming Himself At 116mph

A 20-year-old man from Pawtucket almost killed himself after a livestreamed high-speed drive ended in a brutal crash
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As if weaving in and out of traffic at speeds of up to 116mph wasn’t bad enough, 20-year-old Onasi Olio-Rojas thought it’d be a great idea to livestream his reckless antics on Facebook. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t end well, with the young Pawtucket resident slamming into the back of a dump truck during at around 11:30 on Wednesday.

He was said by witnesses to be driving his Honda Civic erratically, before spinning and hitting the lorry on Dean Street in Providence.

His condition was initially said to be ‘critical’, however he has since been upgraded to ‘fair’. Hopefully he’ll make a full recovery, and learn from his mistakes…

Sources: Providence Journal, Turnto10

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The sad part is that there are tons of other people in this same area that drive the same exact way. I saw a slammed Civic on another highway right near this one that was driving just as erratically. People think nothing bad will happen to them because they watched tons of movies and plays tons of racing video games. #KeepItOnTheTrack

12/02/2016 - 21:05 |
7 | 2

I actually saw this crash. It was gnarly

12/02/2016 - 21:06 |
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Max Schröder

I feel sorry for the truck-driver and for the EMTs that had to peel him out of the Civic (and Civic-parts out of him).

12/02/2016 - 21:07 |
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I'm BUSing my luck

what a nobsock… a danger to fellow motorist’s. why is he allowed on the roads?

12/02/2016 - 21:08 |
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Natural selection kicked in, yo

12/02/2016 - 21:14 |
59 | 1

In reply to by Rabzz

Unfortunately, he survived. I was hoping that if the collision dind’t do the trick, that set of subs on the rear deck lid would finish the job.

12/02/2016 - 23:46 |
18 | 11

Am I an a$$hole if i say : Good for him.? I think you deserve thinks like this if you drive like such an a$$. I would never wish death upon another but i hope this opened his eyes and that he learnt his lesson and never drive like that with his phone and sh*t

12/02/2016 - 21:18 |
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In reply to by Tijs800

I can bet you he won’t.
A number of more local articles covering this show that it’s neither his first accident or case of reckless driving.

12/03/2016 - 04:09 |
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not even close bro, this man deserves to suffer for many hours and hopefully won’t come out of this completely fine

12/03/2016 - 17:45 |
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not even close bro, this man deserves to suffer for many hours and hopefully won’t come out of this completely fine

12/03/2016 - 17:45 |
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FINNPILOTE (Aston squad)

Why are everyone crashing into trucks?

12/02/2016 - 21:27 |
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Johan Karlsson

This gave me enough cringe to last for a week.

12/02/2016 - 21:29 |
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