This Guy's Rant About Nissan's Ridiculous Flying Rogue Advert Is So Damn True

Car adverts can be good, car adverts can be bad. But Nissan, making a car jump onto a train is just plain stupid...

I read this guy's rant about a Nissan Rogue advert and thought, how bad can it really be? Turns out, I couldn't agree more with him more. I mean, making a near two-tonne Nissan jump and land on a train? Exactly how does this tell any potential buyer anything about the car? Here's the brilliant, on-point rant:

I'm no marketing major, but I have read my share of Seth Godin. This commercial is horrible. Terribad. Painful to watch. It's like the marketing team completely threw their hands up and said "this vehicle brings absolutely NOTHING to the table, so let's hire a good CGI team and pretend it has superpowers and maybe we will dupe people." It used to be that we had at least ONE cool feature mentioned in a commercial. USB connection in the car? Sweet. Bluetooth streaming or voice control? OK, I'd try that. Airbags added to a never-before seen location? Safety's really important to me. Really competitive low price or special deal? Great, maybe it's something I can actually afford in that category. Tons of space in the back? Sounds like a good weekend vehicle for the dogs. But no. This commercial does none of that. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing I know about the Rogue after seeing the commercial is that it comes in red and holds four people. And that it absolutely, positively cannot jump onto a train, thanks to the big bright disclaimer. I for one, hope that this is not a trend that we see more of. If sales come from the guy with the fanciest big-budget CGI, I'm guessing we'll see more profit dollars thrown to marketing instead of gasp actual innovation and R&D. Please Nissan. Stop.

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