Here's How Much It Costs To Use Your Indicators Over The Course Of A Year

Someone with - presumably - a lot of time on their hands has calculated the annual costs of using your turn signals...
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We’ve all heard those jokes about owners of cars from a certain German brand not using their indicators, but how much money might someone save by neglecting to use their turn signals over the course of a year? Well, believe it or not, this guy’s done the math.

There are obviously many variables to consider, but the uploader of this YouTube video has come up with an average figure of 21 - 29 cents for the USA and 57 cents in Europe, bearing in mind power consumption, fuel costs, average use and much more besides. So, while the figures should probably be taken with a little pinch of salt, the general answer is not that much.

The figure drops further for modern LED light clusters, which consume considerably less energy than old-school bulbs.

The more you know…

Via Reddit Cars

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Lasse Rinström

My thoughts after watching the video for 2 seconds: “Rush B! No stop! Cyka Blyat!”
That’s a lot of assumptions for a calculations. He also didn’t consider a possible fine for not using your indicators. That rarely happens but if you get caught you’re in for 15€ in Germany.

12/01/2017 - 08:16 |
0 | 0

Where the calories require to move your hands calculated in?

12/01/2017 - 14:58 |
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