How Do You Score New Top Gear Out Of 10?

New Top Gear aired last night at 8pm in the UK, and unsurprisingly, it's been a massive talking point (both good and bad). So my question to you now is this: how did you rate it out of 10?

Take a look at your Top Gear comments in this TG mega thread.

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Speed Comparer

It really wasnt that bad. Seriously, a lot of people are just angry because JC, hammond and May arent on there anymore. The show was still funny. Besdes, the old star in a reasonably priced car was HORRIBLE!

Remember also old top gear was rubbish, give this one some time to develop and everyone to become a bit less awkward and itll all fall right in

05/30/2016 - 14:12 |
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Lamborghini Murcielago Longitudinale Posteriore 670-4 Electr

The good:
•i think im one of the only people who actually likes the star in the rallyX car! Its a bit gimicky but i never really liked the star in a reasonably priced car.
•Matt Le Blancs review of the Nomad was entertaining, it seemed natural and like it could’ve been in the original old new Top Gear.

The bad
•the challenged seemed very forced, underwhelming and generally quite boring but slightly humerous at times
•Chris Evans
•The interview, it didn’t seem natural at all and the guests (that american guy (Jessy??) Especially) were dull.
•The attempt at controversy was very clichéd
•Chris Evans
The review of the Viper seemed like it was done by a low rent Clarkson and the challenge was unoriginal and gimicky
•Chris Evans
Rating 6/10

Extra Gear
The Good:
•Very entertaing
Seemed very natural
•The review of the Nomad didn’t feel forced and was very imformative and enjoyable
•Great choice of guest, the interview seemed a lot more natural than TGs
•Rory Reid and Chris Harris had great Chemistry that didn’t feel forced at all

The bad
•It felt a bit like an after thought
•The Nomad review, althought entertaining it felt a bit low rent.
Rating 8.5/10

05/30/2016 - 14:14 |
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i skipped the last part of the blackpool run,too boring and the nomad review?i fell asleep

05/30/2016 - 14:36 |
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Lamborghini Murcielago Longitudinale Posteriore 670-4 Electr

What did the CT team think??

05/30/2016 - 14:16 |
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Only segment that evoked a laughter from me was LeBlanc introducing his rivals for the Nomad.

05/30/2016 - 14:19 |
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Does the new top “so called” gear even deserve a mark out of 10?

05/30/2016 - 14:20 |
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this is worst than fifth gear..

05/30/2016 - 14:20 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

too bad,fifth gear is also canned

05/30/2016 - 14:35 |
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Nanahira is my Waifu

I give it a 5, they had a good concept and good presenters, but they should have honestly changed the name or at least given it a subtitle.

05/30/2016 - 14:22 |
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How Do You Score New Top Gear Out Of 10?


05/30/2016 - 14:22 |
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3/10 Could try harder to come up with own work and to stop copying off others.

05/30/2016 - 14:23 |
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Is it just me or are those charts impossible to decipher?

05/30/2016 - 14:25 |
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