How Do You Score New Top Gear Out Of 10?

New Top Gear aired last night at 8pm in the UK, and unsurprisingly, it's been a massive talking point (both good and bad). So my question to you now is this: how did you rate it out of 10?

Take a look at your Top Gear comments in this TG mega thread.

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I think what people forget is that Clarkson isin’t always the shouty person making funny analogies, some of his best moments happened when he slowed down and said something serious, his story about the Porsche 928 springs to mind.

05/30/2016 - 14:25 |
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It was painful to watch. 3/10.
Pointless. This is not top gear. Ask them to do something else.
Don’t try and imitate what it was. You can’t do that.

05/30/2016 - 14:27 |
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I’ll give it a 5

05/30/2016 - 14:29 |
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Georg Blink - RevolutionArts

It could be good if they remove Chris Evans and if they maaaybeee would search for some own ideas. Like everything was copied, even the Reliant Robin thingy ._.

I rate it 3/10 but with potetial when there will be drastic changes including getting rid of this annoying, screaming guy D:

05/30/2016 - 14:29 |
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London Car Enthusiast...innit.


05/30/2016 - 14:34 |
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Rotary unicorn

I felt less disturbed by watching videos with two men, only two men.

05/30/2016 - 14:37 |
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It would have been great without Chris Evans

05/30/2016 - 14:40 |
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Joshua Lue

Watching Chris Evans present Top Gear is like watching the fat kid at School do the 100m sprint.

05/30/2016 - 14:42 |
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Steve Buscemi

Top Gear: 8.5/10
Extra Gear: 6/10

05/30/2016 - 14:43 |
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Sorry, if I had to downvote you.

05/31/2016 - 08:55 |
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CJ 89

So many people saying “Nope” to watching again next week. I bet you all still do.

05/30/2016 - 14:44 |
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