Justin Bieber's Ferrari Takes On Paparazzi Again In Hit And Run

It's not often you'll see us stick up for Justin Bieber here at CT, and if you need any explanation as to why, then this and this and this should suffice.

But this time the blame is entirely in the hands of the many idiotic paparazzi that follow his every move. Bieber was leaving The Laugh Factory with his pal Lil Twist (who looks like a clown, might we just add) when the swarm of flash-bulbs circled his Ferrari 458 Italia.

Bieber's security guard does his best to clear a path as the star gestures for people to move out the way so he can leave, but as one man against many, he was swimming against the tide until the inevitable happened. Blinded by the flash photography, Bieber made a break for it and knocked one of the paps off his feet. It was a light brush but the drama queens descended, close to fake tears over what they'd just captured, quick to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Now we're not ones to insult another's profession, but it's hard to be on the side of the photographers here (and when you're below Bieber in the sympathy stakes, you need to take a long hard look at yourself). Fair enough you've got to snap to sell, but consistently taking these photos is nothing short of harassment, and standing in the road is just asking for trouble.
Police agreed, and later cleared Bieber of any wrongdoing.
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