Let's face it.. death is an inevitable part of life, just like rust is an inevitable part of Miatas. Find out how you'll go and comment it below! Random commenter will win CT goodies!
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
With John Cena driving, the accelerator pedal stuck and I choked on a McNugget.
With John Cena driving, blew welds on intake and suffocated on a deflating airbag
in a motorised carwash when the brakepads fell out and i got my head shaven off by a traffic sign…. okay so from now on im not using motorised carwashes!!!!
On a Sunday morning my bonnet flew up and I reverse entry drifted into a lorry
So, I’m in a cemetery and suddenly, my steering wheel comes off. I end up understeering into an ice cream van. So many questions like, “How do I understeer when I have no steering wheel?” and “What is an ice cream van doing in a cemetery?”
In a motorised car wash steering wheel came off and head shaven off by traffic sign… wait what!?
On a twisty canyon road i get a right foot muscle spasm and understeer into an icecream van :D
On my way home from work my floor pan fell off and I chocked on a mcnugget
On the way back from the gym the accelerator pedal stuck and I did a reverse entry drift into a lorry
In a cemetery (setting), WD40 on the brake discs (what went wrong), Random heart attack (aftermath)