Let's face it.. death is an inevitable part of life, just like rust is an inevitable part of Miatas. Find out how you'll go and comment it below! Random commenter will win CT goodies!
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
While taking out my crush airbag randomly explodes and kills me.. Well thats just great..
After downing a bottle of vodka, Airbag randomly exploded, Flew out of windshield!!!!
On a Sunday morning floorpan fell off reverse entry drift
On a Sunday morning blew welds on intake then killed by an exploding airbag… Damn Takata airbags malfunctioning again,,,
While taking out my crush she pulls the handbrake and I fly out the windshield
While out hooning blew welds on intake and I reverse entry drifted into lorry
After downing a bottle of vodka, i blew the welds on my intake and barrel rolled into a corner shop, hahaha !
While I’m asleep the wheel nuts had enough and then had a head on collision with a train
While double clutching the floorpan fell of and the shifter got stuck betweem my ribs
I was a passenger in a car where the floorpan fell off and I barrel-rolled into a corner shop