The New Range Rover Convertible Is The Car We've All Been Waiting For

If you're after exclusivity, this new Range Rover convertible is the first car you need to consider...


Feast your eyes on the world's first convertible version of the all-new Range Rover. The transformation comes courtesy of American company Newport Convertible Engineering. If you haven't already heard of NCE, we have these guys to thank for this heinous Jaguar XJ...

jag xj

...this Subaru WRX...


...and I bet you never thought you'd see a Prius convertible, right?

prius convertible

Anyway, back to the NCE Range Rover convertible...Based on the supercharged Autobiography model, the SUV's transformation took four months to complete. As a result, the original car has lost some of its imposing looks.


The contrasting beige electric roof, for starters, looks very basic and, dare I say it, cheap. What's more, NCE appears to have forgotten the importance of a rear window, which may explain the letterbox glass that looks terrifically unfit for purpose.

NCE claims that demand for the Range Rover convertible is strong in the UK, so if you've got some cash to burn, we dare you to buy one. What do you think of the NCE Rangie?

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