New Top Gear's Bad Luck Continues As Chris Evans And Matt LeBlanc Have Fallen Out

After Matt LeBlanc caused outcry with his Cenotaph stunt, Chris Evans blamed him for the bad PR, causing their relationship to turn 'frosty'
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We really want to give the BBC’s new Top Gear a chance, but it seems to be completely unable to avoid problems. There’s been the fact that Chris Evans is reportedly a nightmare on set, writers have quit, and members of the team were unable to get into Kazakhstan for a shoot - and that’s before we even talk about the Cenotaph stunt.

It’s the latter issue that’s at the centre of the latest problem for the BBC show, as The Sun is reporting that Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc have fallen out over the bad PR the show received following the incident. LeBlanc had jumped onboard Ken Block’s Hoonicorn for a drifty ride around London, but the pair got close to a war memorial, upsetting many Brits.

According to The Sun’s story, Evans has not forgiven LeBlanc for causing outrage, with a source claiming “their relationship’s deteriorated. Chris thinks Matt severely damaged the brand…Behind the scenes it’s very frosty between them.”

We get that the stress and pressure associated with following up one of the biggest television shows in the world must be immense, but come on, guys, pull your acts together. We want another awesome car show on the telly, so we’d rather you didn’t throw it all away over petty squabbles!

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What are you all worried about???

Jeremy James and Richard are just about to debut a REAL car show

04/13/2016 - 18:40 |
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It’s a bad idea for Chris to play smart. He pucked after a ride in a supercar XD.

04/13/2016 - 19:06 |
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00:16 driving a mustang without hitting anyone 10/10 driving skillz

04/13/2016 - 19:54 |
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I think most of these TopGear problems are taken way out of context and are completely misunderstood, at least most of them. On top of that, the media loves some drama, and especially since people seem to like it, a lot of the drama is in the picture.

People need to understand that the relationship Jeremy, James and Hammond had was completely different compared to these guys. These guys are put together to work together, and make a program on an existing concept. JHJ were almost living together, it’s almost as if they were family. They even said, in the popular interview they did on TV, that after their own family, they probably saw eachother most. Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc are in no way nearly as close together, and they have less of a drive to make it work; they’re succesful people on their own already, and that’s imminently going to bring issues with it if you’re going to put big ego’s with no drive together to make a succesful program.

On top of that, the physical amount of negative feedback they’re getting is going to demotivate them more than anything. So if we would just all focus a little less on the drama and just support them and hope for the best for TopGear, we might actually end up with a good program.

04/13/2016 - 20:08 |
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Drew Pera

They’ll never be able to re-capture their image or audience. They either need to give up on trying to be what they were, or simply accept that it’s not going to work and cancel the show.

04/13/2016 - 20:19 |
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They sterilised it, I hate that. Could people stop being offended by insignificant things so we can have our old, fun life back?

04/13/2016 - 20:22 |
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FLixy Madfox

has it occurred to anyone that The Sun may be lying? Haven’t they always hated topgear?

04/13/2016 - 20:47 |
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Jordan Dalton

Absolute bullshit. Pretending they have problems and creating tension, thus entising people to watch the new format to see if any of its true to get the numbers up. Bla bla blaaaa

04/13/2016 - 20:56 |
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People wanna see them F up so they watch the show=money for bbc=drama>content=end of the world
Dont watch new topgear=world wont end

04/13/2016 - 22:55 |
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LoL Chris can’t even drive and talk at the same time. atleast Matt knows how to drive a car properly. he should stay with his radio programs…

04/13/2016 - 20:58 |
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That’s alright, the show will
Probably fail anyway.

04/13/2016 - 21:10 |
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