New Top Gear's Bad Luck Continues As Chris Evans And Matt LeBlanc Have Fallen Out

After Matt LeBlanc caused outcry with his Cenotaph stunt, Chris Evans blamed him for the bad PR, causing their relationship to turn 'frosty'
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We really want to give the BBC’s new Top Gear a chance, but it seems to be completely unable to avoid problems. There’s been the fact that Chris Evans is reportedly a nightmare on set, writers have quit, and members of the team were unable to get into Kazakhstan for a shoot - and that’s before we even talk about the Cenotaph stunt.

It’s the latter issue that’s at the centre of the latest problem for the BBC show, as The Sun is reporting that Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc have fallen out over the bad PR the show received following the incident. LeBlanc had jumped onboard Ken Block’s Hoonicorn for a drifty ride around London, but the pair got close to a war memorial, upsetting many Brits.

According to The Sun’s story, Evans has not forgiven LeBlanc for causing outrage, with a source claiming “their relationship’s deteriorated. Chris thinks Matt severely damaged the brand…Behind the scenes it’s very frosty between them.”

We get that the stress and pressure associated with following up one of the biggest television shows in the world must be immense, but come on, guys, pull your acts together. We want another awesome car show on the telly, so we’d rather you didn’t throw it all away over petty squabbles!

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Rogue86 Photography

Ripping stories straight from low-brow tabloids really is the laziest kind of journalism. Come on, you guys are better than this.

04/13/2016 - 21:11 |
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how i see new top gear? matth F. + chris H. + mike musto

04/13/2016 - 22:05 |
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It’s okay, I don’t like Chris Evans either. He is a non humourous version of Jeremy Clarkson which just makes him insufferable.

04/13/2016 - 23:07 |
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Gp Dhanoa

Rename to Broke Gear right?………….I will leave now

04/13/2016 - 23:22 |
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I thought Evans wasn’t going to be too worried about being political correct? Guess not.

04/14/2016 - 01:10 |
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Well though it says “All New Top Gear”, from that trailer it seems they are copying the old one to the last letter.

04/14/2016 - 01:20 |
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04/14/2016 - 03:06 |
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“Chris thinks Matt severely damaged the brand…” NO.. the only living creature that damaging the brand from the beginning is chris itself..

04/14/2016 - 03:28 |
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Huh. The last group of people I would expect to fuel a rumor proved me wrong. Good job #carthrottle for causing the rumor to grow.

04/14/2016 - 04:26 |
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According to the sun…. Aaaaand stop reading

04/14/2016 - 06:39 |
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