Porsche Has A Plan To Combat The Speculators

Porsche GT boss Andreas Preuninger has expressed displeasure at those who 'flip' his division's cars for profit, and has a plan to crack down on such shenanigans
Porsche Has A Plan To Combat The Speculators

We’re used to the routine by now. Porsche’s GT division will create a car. It’ll get rave reviews from the motoring press. Demand will far outstrips supply. And then nearly new examples crop up in the classifieds with enormously inflated price tags.

It’s not a problem exclusive to Porsche, but GT boss Andreas Preuninger doesn’t seem too thrilled about the situation when it comes to Stuttgart’s finest sports cars. “I personally like to see my cars being used. That’s what we build them for. They are just too good to be left to stand and collect dust,” he told Car and Driver.

He went on to comment on 911 R buyers who were unhappy with the decision to fit the updated 911 GT3 with a manual gearbox, seemingly robbing the R of some of its exclusivity. “When I said we’re not a hedge fund, I’m talking to those people who are yelling at us for offering the manual transmission similar to the R…But if there are people wanting to buy cars like that, then as a company we should try to fulfill that, to meet that demand,” he explained.

Porsche Has A Plan To Combat The Speculators

In order to combat the situation, Preuninger assured that Porsche is “monitoring very closely who is flipping cars”. If you’re found to be ‘guilty’ of the practice, you’re unlikely to get your name on the next for the next car produced by Porsche GT.

“It’s not a punishment but a strategy: to supply the cars to the customers who will really use them,” Preuninger said.

Sounds fair to us.

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Tomislav Celić

Everything aside, but what about people who have tons of cars like the CTzen SVTSVE. He works full time, and travels a lot and has tons of cars. He can’t possible drive them all. Why would he get punished.

05/30/2017 - 12:03 |
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You can buy one but not as an investment.

05/30/2017 - 12:08 |
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Mathias Mariani

Somebody give a medal to this man please.

05/30/2017 - 12:16 |
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Ewan23 (The Scottish guy)

Well done Porsche

05/30/2017 - 13:01 |
6 | 0

Yes! Porsches are meant to be driven.

05/30/2017 - 13:03 |
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Maybe they should work out a way to sell them to people who actually want them rather than just filtering their customer lists. IMO ford did a much better job with their new GT. Buying a new Cayenne every year is hardly indicative of someone who really wants a GT car. Why does someone who wants a new GT3 have to already own a Porsche at all?! I think just let the price mechanism do its thing and sell them for what they are worth

05/30/2017 - 15:02 |
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They should do what lotus is doing and make a new edition just about every month till it doesn’t matter any more.

05/30/2017 - 15:30 |
23 | 1

Tell that to the dealerships!!!!

05/30/2017 - 16:19 |
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Derek Peavy

Enter your comment…

05/30/2017 - 16:36 |
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I mean, the could just build more…you know supply and demand…these cars will always rise early on as the demand will always be higher than the supply, but at least you won’t have people asking 1 million $ for a 911 R

05/30/2017 - 16:56 |
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On one side im am glad Porsche finally made the gt3 with a manual. (It needed it) but on the other side if i would have bought a 911 R i would feel genuinly scamed.

05/30/2017 - 17:09 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Did they say the 911 R was the last manual though? Personally I’m in love with the R so wouldn’t care about them release the new GT3, but do see your point.

05/30/2017 - 17:42 |
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