This Taiwanese Daytona Crash Animation Contains Lots Of Blood & Rednecks

This weekend's shocking Daytona crash has prompted this bizarre animation to be made

The shocking Daytona Nationwide crash - which injured 33 spectators - has prompted Taiwanese animation company NMA.TV to recreate the accident. Why? Because they want to know 'should NASCAR improve fan safety?'.

It's a fair question. After all, seven Daytona fans still remain in hospital and it's a miracle no-one was killed. But it's the way that NMA.TV animated the incident that's bizarre. Now we know that the Taiwanese are, at times, an odd bunch - this blokes reaction to road rage is peculiar - but swapping NASCAR racers with family saloons, portraying fans as blood-hungry rednecks and including laughable animations of spurting blood is just plain weird.

What's more, NASCAR officials are portrayed as sharks, and we later see fans being crushed to death by a flying car. Naturally, these people turn into green ghosts ready for their trip up to the pearly gates.

Check out the video below and give us your thoughts.

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