These Bikers Punch A BMW Driver In The Face Then Stare Down The Barrel Of A Gun

The BMW cut off a biker - it's unclear if deliberately or accidentally - causing an angry confrontation. It all escalates at the next red light, and the bikers punch the BMW driver to the ground. At this point, his passenger pulls out a gun...

Road rage is one of those incredibly infuriating things to watch. 99.99 per cent of the time it’s completely pointless and wholly avoidable. That’s the case here, though it’s hard to pinpoint who’s really to blame, so let’s just blame both parties.

It all starts when the BMW either deliberately attempts to block the speeding bikers, or accidentally does so while attempting to get out of their way. When the biker he cuts off lashes out at the car, its driver gives chase, leading to a confrontation at the next red light.

The BMW driver appears to want to resolve things peacefully, telling the bikers to stay where they are, presumably so he can call the police. He attempts to block the biker that swung for his car by standing in front of his bike, when another biker walks over and pushes him away. At this point the driver appears to try to walk away, when he’s sucker punched by one of the gang. The other bikers join in, and that’s when the female passenger climbs out of the BMW, screaming and waving a gun about.

The bikers are complete and utter morons, and were clearly itching for a fight. They’re wholly at fault for allowing things to end up where they did, but if the BMW driver had just let the incident go, none of this would have happened. People do idiotic things on the road all the time, so just let it go. Sure, the guy cut you off, but you were easily able to avoid it - you even had time to throw a punch. And yeah, the guy swung for your car, but he’s clearly an idiot so just leave him to be an idiot. If you really feel the need to get the cops involved, either tail them while you phone it in, or just take a photo of a licence plate and report it later. When you rage on the roads, nobody wins.

Source: Jalopnik

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ROAD RAGE PRANK IN THE HOOD PRANK GONE SEXUAL ALMOST SHOT 2016!! >>HOT GIRLS WITH GUNS<< - SoFlo’s title when he inevitably steals this video and reuploads it

04/13/2016 - 15:50 |
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Aggresive biker scum bags. Hope they get caught by police and take some jail time.

04/13/2016 - 15:57 |
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The first cut off early in the video is debatable…You got 2 bikes flying up, one from the back, one from the far right so he could have been trying to get out of the way. Looks like he was intentionally blocking though given the rest of the video…

The rest…obvious this guy is intentionally trying to block them. And the fact that he is wearing those shorts makes it hard for me to support him lol. He should have let it go….
That being said, those guys are hauling ass. If those cars are doing 50-60ish mph, I’d say those bikers are doing 90+ mph….. Yeah it’s a pretty clear day with not a lot of traffic, but totally unnecessary.

TLDR, both parties are idiots…Particularly the bikers…

04/13/2016 - 16:05 |
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Cun*s deserved to be shot or run over!

04/13/2016 - 16:42 |
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Jizzle Joel

I haven’t seen this bad of writing since the last time I read an article on FOX News.

That being said, as an avid motorcyclists of 15 years. I see a lot of this video in an entirely different way. This is the result of vigilantly citizens that thing they are the police. Yes, both parties are in the wrong here, but I do not believe, as this article is written, that the bikers are more at fault.

As I have been riding for some time. I see morons like this BMW guy all of the time. He saw the riders coming and decided to be the street police and slow them down. You can tell this by the way he sits in the middle of the two lanes. He was originally going to block the camera bike as you see him swerve to the left. Then the faster bike on the right comes up from behind and BMW guy cannot have this, and instead blocks in.

The biker should have slowed down and rode away. Yes, this would have been the best solution. These solutions do not happen often though, not because of the rider. BMW guy thinks he is holy and righteous. He thinks that he is the decision maker on this road and will tell people who can and cannot speed, regardless of while doing so he could easily kill one of them. He would have chased them down. Instead of getting the plates and calling the police. He would have chased them down. We know this as he runs in front of the bikers and refuses to let them go. That should have never happened.

These bikers were not itching for a fight. They were itching to ride around town with friends and have a good time. When a car swerves at you intentionally trying to hit you or perform an action that a cause and effect might be you going down, you as a biker, are now in fight or flight mode. In groups you will always fight because you have superiority in numbers.

I regress, as I could go on for a while as BMW guy was the “complete and utter moron.” There are always 3 sides of a story. Yours, his and the truth.

04/13/2016 - 16:42 |
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This is by far the most Florida thing I have ever seen.

04/13/2016 - 16:54 |
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“That’s the case here, though it’s hard to pinpoint who’s really to blame, so let’s just blame both parties.” Ugh… no it’s not. The bikers are absolutely to blame. Even if the car guy made some questionable calls while things where happening, doesn’t change the fact that he would have never been in that situation to begin with had the bikers not been doing what they were doing. Blaming both is like saying a rape victim is also to blame because they shouldn’t have been so attractive…

04/13/2016 - 17:02 |
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If you have a bike pulling up behind you at a high rate of speed like they are, the best thing to do is nothing, stay in your damn lane, especially if there is a whole other lane open next to you… that’s just common sense, not swerving around like an idiot…

04/13/2016 - 17:10 |
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Kacper Kukla

Guy from BMW is just stupid. He was trying to be a brave men who stops bikers. But fot what? He should not blocked him and everything will be fine. I see now a lot more bikers and a lot of them are nice guys who want to enjoy the ride just like us so we should be kind for them and they will be nice for us. I think that the bmw driver is just stupid guy with no respect. Also bikers were to aggressive but i think they were just pissed at him for trying to spoil their day

04/13/2016 - 17:27 |
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What if Jason Statham would be the bimmerguy . that would be entertaining to watch. These bikerkids would be messed up.

04/13/2016 - 17:30 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yeahhh!! Jason Statham FTW!!

04/13/2016 - 18:14 |
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