Watch An Angry SUV Driver Punt A Biker Into The Tarmac In This Shocking Altercation

A road rage incident soon escalates when an SUV driver cuts in on a group of bikers riding in formation, culminating in the former ramming one of the riders off their bike

This shocking incident took place on a freeway in Orange County, California, and looks to have started when an SUV driver took the same exit as a group of bikers at the last minute, splitting the formation in the process. The bikers clearly didn’t take too kindly to this, as you’ll hear from the revving and a few of the bikers passing at relatively close proximity. It seems as though the driver didn’t appreciate one rider in particular overtaking, appearing to speed up and deliberately ram them off their bike and onto the busy freeway.

Fortunately, the biker in question is thought to have escaped with only minor injuries. According to the video description on YouTube, the driver was apparently ‘let go’ as it could not be proven that their actions were intentional.

Video via Car Scoops

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Freddie Skeates

And here comes Randy Orton, ooh watch him slithering like a snake- OH WATCH OUT WATCH OUT OOOOOOHHHH RRRRRRKKKKOOOOOO OUT OF NOWHERE FROM RANDY ORTON

05/09/2016 - 12:11 |
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I really hope he got punched.

05/09/2016 - 12:18 |
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Nicholas N

This is basically why I will probably never own a motorcycle. Not because I’m not confident in my skills, but because there are too many a—hats out there who deliberately try to take out bikers like this.

The Subaru driver should be locked up. He DELIBERATELY hunted down the biker in white. There’s no way that was not intentional. I don’t know what the biker did to instigate, but he’s lucky he didn’t get killed since there was still a decent amount of traffic out.

05/09/2016 - 12:21 |
138 | 6

That’s the same reason I’ve held off owning a bike; the rider can be the safest in the world, but it only takes one idiot in a two-tonne lump of metal to exploit riders’ vulnerability, and…well…

05/09/2016 - 12:39 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

In reply to by Nicholas N

Yes, he was a a-hole i agree with you, but smashing mirrors doesnt give you right, you are vulnerable and weaker… In a crash

They forget that everytime they ride

05/09/2016 - 17:45 |
10 | 8

I feel that you can’t live your life being afraid of what might happen alot of bikers have never had anything like this happen to them. You are still at risk while driving in a car. What i don’t understand is how that guy could be let go.

05/09/2016 - 19:04 |
18 | 0

Yesterday 5/10 I was getting lunch on my bike and a guy pulled out in front of me. T-boned right into his drivers door, Luckly I always wear my gear and I walked away. 17,000+ miles on this bike and the only thing that ever got me close to crashing and was finally the cause of my bike now prob being totaled was other drivers.

05/10/2016 - 23:41 |
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Jefferson Tan(日産)

In reply to by Nicholas N

i guess you can it stupidru (Subaru).

09/14/2016 - 08:22 |
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Ahmed Al Ameri

Lets say hypothetically, that the biker broke the car’s side view mirror. Is it necessary to risk the bikers life for being an asshat? You can also just take a picture of the bikers plate and call the police…

05/09/2016 - 12:24 |
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Using your phone while driving isn’t the solution. Although definitely the lesser offence!

05/09/2016 - 16:03 |
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Yes, but the biker wont get a fine big as the repair costs of your mirror, besides they have to learn their place.

05/09/2016 - 17:25 |
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There was no damage done to the car. And that was clearly assault by the car driver,

05/09/2016 - 22:24 |
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Watch An Angry SUV Driver Punt A Biker Into The Tarmac In This Shocking Altercation

What a douchebag that car driver was.

05/09/2016 - 12:25 |
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In the video you can see that the biker who was rammed stuck with the car for a while then suddenly sped ahead, he must have done something to provoke the SUV driver.
That still doesn’t make it up at all for a murder attempt.

05/09/2016 - 12:31 |
16 | 8

Exactly, maybe broken mirror? In any case, the Forester driver absolutely overreacted. EDIT: According to the original video description, no biker touched or brake checked the car.

05/09/2016 - 18:45 |
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Wanting to get a bike. Fortunately haven’t seen something this crazy in UK, however bikers can be targeted for overtaking, which hurts the “ego” of some drivers.

05/09/2016 - 12:32 |
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Mr Two ZZ

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hasn’t happened to me in 11 years of riding. But i always make sure i pass far away from their windows so i don’t deafen them. And i always thank them for giving me space. Basic Courtesy,.

The one time i have had a problem was filtering to the front of a traffic queue. I’ve had people deliberately move to block me off. No idea why, because i can bugger off much faster than them, and cause them no issues.

05/09/2016 - 20:47 |
2 | 0

Once again, we see only the last .40 of something that probably went on for MILES, vilianizing souly the guy in the car. Don’t dare show us what started it. Don’t show us how the bikes were likely riding like a-holes and breaking every traffic law ever written while endangering everyone else on the interstate. I’m not condoning anyone’s actions. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
And don’t let videos like this dissuade you from getting a bike. Get one, gear up, ride like you’ve got some sense and you’ll be just fine.

05/09/2016 - 13:13 |
48 | 30

THANK YOU! But yeah no-one wins when road raging. I once started to road rage after a girl brake-checked me hard on a middle of a busy highway (or motorway whatever you call it) for no reason (I still have no clue why she did that), but then I remembered all the videos of people road raging, and I did let go. My coworkers never saw me more angry when I arrived at work shortly after tho ^^

05/09/2016 - 14:11 |
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If you read the comments on the youtube page. He states that the only part that he cut out, was them leaving the gas station where the SUV was not at. There for there was no point in adding it.
He also adds that no one touched the vehicle, no one hits the mirrors ect..
Yest I see ass hat comments like yours. If you don’t look into what is actually going on. Keep your comments to yourself.

05/09/2016 - 16:18 |
18 | 4

Most bikers seem to forget how vulnerable they are. If you want to ride quickly go to a track or quiet back road. If you pay attention while in traffic you will be fine but take on a car and you will always loose

05/09/2016 - 19:10 |
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This video only cuts about ten seconds, which shows the bikers turn onto the road from a gas station, at an intersection wih a stop light. The guy in the SUV had literally no reason to pull this stunt.

05/10/2016 - 01:07 |
4 | 0

AHHH, you don’t know how fukking angry this makes me!!

05/09/2016 - 14:12 |
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I feel you on that! Especially being on bikes my whole life it makes me so pissed off when I see ish like this!!

05/09/2016 - 17:40 |
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Couldn’t be proven their actions were intentional? What kind of idiotic legal system comes to that conclusion. This is the kind of car driver that becomes a different person behind the wheel, nothing but a bully hiding behind their large vehicle. They’re the kind of people that should be removed from the road.

And I don’t care how stupid the bikers may have been acting, two wrongs don’t make a right and those bikers would only be endangering themselves most. If you’re childish enough to go on a temper tantrum like one of these it’s you who cannot handle the road.

05/09/2016 - 14:13 |
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