This Is What Happens When A Douchebag Tailgater Meets A Cretinous Brake Checker

Two stupid drivers - one in an SUV and another in a 4x4 - meet on the highway. What happens next is more predictable than an MX-5 hairdresser joke, but still extremely shocking to watch!
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As seen on Jalopnik.

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I would have done the same

03/12/2016 - 04:30 |
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Would be good to take note that the front driver was staying in the passing lane because a 3rd driver was about to merge onto the highway in the right lane.

03/12/2016 - 04:49 |
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He really needed that reality check

03/12/2016 - 04:53 |
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Clayton. (Honda fanboy bwaaa(VTEC)AAAAAWWW)

This kids, is why you dont mess with soccor moms.

03/12/2016 - 05:02 |
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The guy in the car in front of the truck it pretty smart to pull out in the emergency lane to give the semi room to brake.

03/12/2016 - 05:24 |
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I’m sorry but I would’ve tailgated the guy too (though not that close). Here in America, the left lane is (supposed to be) the passing lane. The idiot who brake checked him should have moved over and let him pass. Not brake check him and THEN move over. If he wanted him off his ass he should have moved over and let him pass. There-problem solved, nobody hurt and no drama.

03/12/2016 - 07:45 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

He was passing people the person behind him was breaking the law that’s why we have the laws we do so this doesn’t happen

03/12/2016 - 14:07 |
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I hit the hazards so it looks like i am braking when i am actually not lol.

03/12/2016 - 10:48 |
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Dumba** in trail blazer got what he deserved,
if I were in a truck I’d slam on the brakes. His new friend would be Dana!

03/12/2016 - 11:12 |
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The car in front was going faster than the semi & they typically are either limited to the speed limit or drive pretty close to it when they aren’t using a limiter. The merging car moving slower is something I would have driven past too before returning to the right lane. The so called brake checker didn’t seem to slam on the brakes at all as I can’t really see their vehicle shift. It’s possible they’re one of those drivers that occasionally brake to adjust speed (not cool but they exist and are a great reason not to tail gate).

03/12/2016 - 12:57 |
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Reading the comments, there really are some dumb americans around. Pretty glad I don’t live there.

03/12/2016 - 19:34 |
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