Why Car People Are Too Judgmental- Vlog Episode 91

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Mario Subasic

Every word you just said is true

12/23/2015 - 23:23 |
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Chris DedicationBlog

Yeah it’s sad that people are like this, but no matter what you do there will always be some people that don’t think you’re as good as them or aren’t a real car enthusiast just cos you’re not exactly the same as them

12/23/2015 - 23:49 |
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I know right I was watching a Seen through goggles video and when he went to GoodWood there was not a huge amount of supercars and people in the comments were like ‘oh you’re not a petrolhead there was a B7 Audi RS4 there and you didn’t even look at it’ I’m a fan of cars like these However this does not mean every petrol head loves them.

12/24/2015 - 09:42 |
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Some friends once asked me stuff about a miata i saw while walking with them and they really listened and got what i felt about the car so to get into Cars you just need to know the right “Car Persons“ to help you

12/24/2015 - 01:55 |
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Hung Pham

I recently became a part of the car community in Michigan and I feel you

12/24/2015 - 01:57 |
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All the folks I have met have been kind and willingly to teach but I have heard the stories of the assholes at the meets. We all need to come together and SAVE THE MANUAL!!!

12/24/2015 - 03:15 |
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How does rebuilding an enonge make you a ‘car guy’. Engines are really easy once on a stand.. they’re just like big lego sets! It helps to know how it all goes together so you know the limits but its not necessary to know technicalities to have some fun. Just laugh the haters off man :)

Then ask if they’ve ever designed and engineered their own engine lol

12/24/2015 - 08:33 |
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All i know about turbos is that it sucks in air and happiness comes out. And true,not being able to do something or know something doesnt make u a noncar guy. Most likely because no ever told u how something works or u havent had to do it. Same as me.
And id love to rebuild an engine only thing is i’d do it to an engine i wouldnt or am not using so I know that when i flug it up theres no worries. I’d straight up do it if i had a motor to do it on. I’ve never gotten into an engine in depth ,but I would. At one point I had started taking apart a car just so I could learn which is which,but once i got to the tighter bolts,I just didnt have the tools at that time and the car went to the scrapper sadly

12/24/2015 - 08:57 |
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Alex Walker

Couldn’t agree more David, this is my main problem with the car scene. Everyone is to judgemental
To be a “car guy/girl” you just need to enjoy being around any vehicle, you don’t need to know anything about them or own anything special. Just enjoy them.

12/24/2015 - 09:02 |
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But the problem is there are indeed different types of car folk, and that’s where the problems begin. There are the ones that coddle/rebuild a classic for shows and cruises, and there are others that make complete restomods with a bias to track, or the ones that go for the style-over-usability, etc.

I work in a car auction for dealer networks— pretty much any used car can come through from a trade in to be sold among the other dealers, and my job is taking them to and from said dealers. And there are maybe 40-50 other people who do the same job I do, but of them only six might be able to hold a similar conversation. We all have different styles, experiences, and opinions on cars.

There are the ones worried about getting their deep-dish BBS’ polished for the next parkinglot meet, the one with a LaForza SUV and Renault5 rally car in storage (he’s a retired realtor who does this job for fun), the autocrosser, etc. Sometimes one of them will say something that’s over the others head, or is just wrong and the others know it, but that’s just how it goes.

When there’s a clique and someone new comes in trying to join, they seemingly have to prove themselves, or even decide if they want to stay. I’ve long been in that boat, but at least doing what I do for work gets me into far nicer (and lesser) cars than my own to get an idea what else there is, what improvements still need to be made, etc. It also gives me insight to bring to the table if someone wants to talk cars. But most of the time, they have to see it, because there isn’t a car-guy look. Any time I start talking about swaybars or engine-swap compatibility, it lights those guys up with a “damn, this guy knows cars? Wouldn’t have ever guessed!”

But it’s also humility. I’m not a driving god, and I’m not someone who can talk air/fuel ratios. But like David in the video said “don’t let anyone bring you down and tell you your not somebody.” To add to that, though, don’t be the guy who thinks they know it all because we sure don’t. Be open to being wrong and brought into the right— whip out a smart phone and look stuff up and see since there is that option. There are a lot of egos with the “I’m someone, and nobody will try and make me nobody,” but like the eye/eye, tooth/tooth saying that the world with be blind and toothless, we can’t all be right and we can’t all be top-dog.

12/25/2015 - 06:27 |
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I don’t have a car so am I one of the car people?

12/24/2015 - 10:41 |
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Car people should respect each other, no metter what… we are all a big family, we all like cars, and there’s too much people judging because your car have something that they don’t like or just because you don’t have a car or an ugly one. Why can’t we enjoy our passion for cars in peace?

12/24/2015 - 11:51 |
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