Witness A Young M3 Driver Hoon His Car Off A Cliff

Watch what happens when a young driver hoons an M3 on an unfamiliar road
"Yeahhhh, I've totally got this..."
Oh, do we have a shocking video treat for you guys today. Remember that kid who spectacularly hooned his dad's M3 right into a rock, then cried a little bit? Well, it looks like we have a copycat car crasher in our midsts as you're about to witness.
"Damn, this is tighter than I thought. Better correct my steering!"
Much like little Billy in the aforementioned M3 vs rock video, this young chap's side-mounted Go-Pro captures the moment when a powerful, rear-drive M3 isn't treated with the respect it so desperately deserves.
"I knew I should have bought that Honda"
Following his friend - on what looks like a similar road in the link - our M3 driver initially puts on a good show of 'don't worry, I've totally got this!' Until he doesn't...
Craigslist be like: 'Cherished BMW M3, never raced. Few parking dents...' Craigslist be like: 'Cherished BMW M3, never raced. Few parking dents...'

With his friend out of sight, our driver hoons right into a - clearly unfamiliar - tight right-hander without enough lock. As he tries to correct the angle, it's already too late. The M3 slides forwards in a straight line and - with a pop of the airbags - barrels its way down the side of a cliff, landing moments later next to a sizeable rock. The damage to the M3 is seen in the stills after the video footage and, as you can see, proves just how lucky this M3 driver is to be alive. He escaped with just a few cuts.

Here's how not to hoon a BMW M3.


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