Your Reactions When You Found Out That CT Is Living With A Prius
It's official: we've bagged ourselves a Toyota Prius. Here were some of your reactions to the news...
That’s right, we’ve taken delivery of a Prius, which we’re keeping for a few months. Deliberately. The mission? To see just what life is like behind the wheel of the internet’s most hated car. These were some of your reactions.
After reading the headline, you felt confused and betrayed

Until you convinced yourselves that we were joking...

...but we were actually being deadly serious

After a quick time-out, you thought of the possibilities

Will it blend?

Will it drift?

Does it have a good turning circle?

You even started thinking about life with a Prius yourself

I mean, how bad can it really be...?

We'll let you guys know how we get on!

Take a look at all your comments here.
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