Max Verstappen Fans - My Story [Rant Post]

Max Verstappen, moderately successful Dutch F1 driver who followed in the footsteps of his father, Jos, who was a driver in the 1990s and early 2000s. He has 4 wins to his name along with 17 podiums, including one at Singapore just last week.

Verstappen is known for his relentless speed and unwillingness to give up. His skills are well known and is often compared to the greatest of F1.

This is all well and good. Don’t get me wrong, Verstappen is a fantastic driver, and if you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that I’m not a Verstappen fan and that I don’t like him. Here’s why:

To start with, I think that he is way over-hyped for his apparent Senna-like skills. I get it, he’s a good driver, but nowhere near as good as Senna, he will always be the greatest in terms of skill.

Secondly, he is overly aggressive on track for no apparent reason, giving him the name “Mad Max”. Look at Monza for example - trying to force Bottas onto the grass wasn’t going to end well, for either of them.

Next is his dad. Jos was once quoted as saying “Never again criticize Max’s driving style”. I seem to find that quite amusing, from a guy who scored 2 podiums amd a measly 17 points across a 9 year career in some of the best F1 machinery at his disposal at one point, especially his 1994 season at Benetton alongside Michael “The greatest and flawless” Schumacher. How weak are you when you have to get your dad to stand up for you?

And lastly, the whole point of this post, is the fans. Oh god, the Verstappen fans. I get it, the Dutch are proud to see such young talent in the sport after an absence of a Dutch driver for many years, but here’s my story.

The official F1 fan page uploaded a clip of the post-race press conference after the Singapore GP, where this happened.

A British reporter kindly said to Lewis, “You were just too good”, which he was, a fantastic race for Lewis. Then Max decided that he was going to be funny.

Max then said, to the reporter “Oh, thanks mate”, fair-do, then proceeded to stick both his middle fingers up at him. Now, for an F1 driver in the public eye, this is a bit of a sketchy move. If Lewis or Seb did this, they’d be in an absolute sh*tstorm of controversy and hate, but not Verstappen, he seems to have gotten away with it, somehow.

Me being me, I decided to take to the comments and voice my opinion. Here’s what I put…

I will be honest, I could’ve voiced my opinion a bit better, without the attitude, but after seeing this I wasn’t in a very good mood anyway.

Then came the orange army of Verstappen fans. 85 replies I got on that one single comment… 85!! I shall sample some of the finest from my collection below…

By the way, I have absolutely no shame I’m publishing their their usernames.

And this is just the start of it. Just wait until we get into the personal insults. Oh, these are fantastic…

I actually had one user go into my profile, check through my old posts, and then decide to use that as an insult, how petty do you have to be to find a 3 year old post and use that as evidence?

I have some more of the generic classics too! Take a look… (Most of which don’t make sense)…

Then there’s this guy… The classic f-off… Doesn’t even have the balls to say the actual word…

And then there’s this. The original. The quintessential internet insult. The classic die a lonely death in a hole one.

Then it got worse. There was one user who decided to take to my profile to vent their anger. They decided to leave this comment on my latest post about Fernando Alonso…

Death threats? Dude, un-freaking-cool. How petty do you have to be to use that as an insult. With my depression and all, what would he have done if I actually did decide to end it? He probably would of laughed and brushed it off. Low life .

Then the worst comment of all came in. I don’t have a screenahot because I deleted the comment as soon as I saw it come through. Imagine this -

A random user you’ve never met before is angry that you’ve “insulted” his favourite racing driver. He takes to your account, finds the saddest post you have, and then decides to leave a hateful comment on there.

The post in question was related to my cat who passed away over 3 years ago. He scrolled down to the post, and left a comment simply saying, and I quote…


I was simply so offended that some low life scumbag so-called F1 ‘fan’ would come onto my account and insult me in that way. I absolutely lost it at that point, he just crossed the line of ‘what the f*ck’…

It has also been reported that Verstappen fans have been agressive on race days (at the circuit) towards other spectators. Not surprising really.

My main problem with Verstappen fans is this. You “disrespect” Max, and they go absolutely insane, they lose their minds. They then in turn insult your favourite driver and get nowhere near as much abuse for it, it just doesn’t make sense.

Max “May as well be Schumacher” Verstappen may be a good driver, but I have absolutely no respect for him or any of his fans.

Anyone else had this problem with Max fans? Let’s talk about it below…

Thanks all for reading, drive safe,

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The F1 community is pretty toxic anyway. Hamilton fans compare him to Schumacher while Vettel fans complain about his attitude. Then the Hamilton fans say Vettel only won in good cars etc. Schumacher fans and Senna fans call each others’ heroes dirty cheats who crash deliberately. Verstappen probably attracts more than his fair share of toxicity because he’s big in the media and quite a divisive driver.

Just become a Maldonado fan and embrace the meme :D.

09/18/2018 - 22:24 |
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I can understand everything you’re saying there..

But the Senna and Schumacher bit is kinda true xD…

Its only Verstappen fans tho that I have a problem with. As an Alonso fan, I’m mostly neutral in the Hammy/Vettel arguement, but I’m British so ofc I want Hamilton to come out on top

09/18/2018 - 22:27 |
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deez nibbas gonna argue bout dutch boi but nibba i dont care xd i only support the team xd

*flashbacks to Ferrari vs Mercedes war

no jk i always argue xd

09/18/2018 - 23:32 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It’s pathetic how there’s always someone who tries to beat you…

The guy that told me to commit suicide keeps DMing me saying “you dead yet” or “go kill yourself”….

Life for the F1 fans is sh*t right now, and most of it can be blamed on Verstappen..

09/19/2018 - 15:32 |
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woah. that’s pretty toxic. if F1 is like this, I might not get involved. I may not be involved, but still read you’re posts ;)


09/18/2018 - 23:49 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I’ve been put off too… I used to lile Red Bull, now I’m totally not happy with them or their fans..

I hope when Gasly comes along next year he will totally out drive Max . That’ll put them in their place

09/19/2018 - 11:48 |
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Don’t hate me but I am a verstappen fan, but I would never do any of this. I recognize that senna and Schumacher were just better drivers and max has made some dumb ass moves, but n think once he grows up a bit he will be a better person and driver

09/19/2018 - 00:05 |
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Eh, i don’t think he will…

He kinda takes the fact that he’s F1’s youngest winner and tries to rub it in a bit.. he’s kimda taking the p*ss a bit

09/19/2018 - 15:33 |
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I’ve never really watched F1, but from what you’ve given me I feel as though he is to F1 what Dale Earnhardt Jr. was to NASCAR.

09/19/2018 - 00:30 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yeah basically….

09/19/2018 - 15:30 |
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I have the same problem, i’m dutch and don’t like verstappen, nobody likes it if you look at him critically

09/19/2018 - 06:02 |
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The TallDutchmen

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

True, it is like: If you are Dutch you have to be a fan of Max. Mostly because the Dutch media loves him.

09/19/2018 - 09:07 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Exactly… It’s almost like that here in Britain with Hamilton..

I mean, I support him because he’s British, but if you don’t like him you’re almost seen as scum.. its pathetic

09/19/2018 - 11:49 |
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09/19/2018 - 07:04 |
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Such a child… He needs to grow up man..

09/19/2018 - 15:33 |
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Goniwè Jayçeon / Mufasa🦁

Hence I’m always quiet when it comes to Mercedes wins & losses because there’s always someone (or a group) waiting to have a circus day.🚶🚶

The season has had alot of twists and we’re loving it, regardless of who’s winning.

09/19/2018 - 08:18 |
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That group are usually Ferrari famboys/girls.

You say one thing like “Well done Lewis, great win!” and there’s always someone that says something horrible..

09/19/2018 - 15:28 |
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I am dutch but not a massive Max fan. I watch F1 for the racing, not because of one driver. Max is a good driver. He is one of the greater drivers but almost everyone in F1 is. I only want the community to not be so toxic.

09/19/2018 - 15:20 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It’s the same thing with Stroll and Sirotkin… Before Singapore, he was sht… Now he IS the sht and one of the best… ?!?! Wut?

I’m part Canadian so I’m kinda biased, but there’s always someone who’s anti-Stroll

09/19/2018 - 15:30 |
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Joseph Le Corre

My biggest problem with Verstappen fans is that they mob large parts of the track and set of flares. I wouldn’t want to go to a GP where I can’t see because some idiot has let off a flare.

09/19/2018 - 17:16 |
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I can’t remember what race it was, might have been Austria, but the smoke started travelling across the circuit and could’ve been a potential danger…

Like i said, they have been known to get agressive on race days, and now a danger to cars on track… Stupid

09/19/2018 - 17:20 |
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