Here are some negative things Reddit has said about Car Throttle...
“(Alex Kersten) has some good shows, skits, and whatnot. But something about his teenish sense of humor and personality get under my skin.”
“Click bait.”
“Car Throttle is aids, period.”
“(Car Throttle is) broaching on some click baity turf.”
“I loved every episode with Phil, but the rest of it’s gotten repetitive and old, at least for me.”
“Some of them were kinda entertaining but it’s pretty much Buzzfeed for cars as far as I’m concerned.”
“I like some of their videos, it’s their website you should stay away from.”
“They are aimed towards a younger audience. Let’s say there is an article about a new Volvo, the comment section is just going to be kids making ‘Volvos are tanks’ jokes. There is little to no discussion.”
The original thread is here
Since when did CT clickbait?
I think that started when Alex wanted to know if you can hit vtec in reverse?
Is it weird that I agree with all of this lol
Same here haha.
Why are you ok the website lol 😂
I agree tho
I had been in Reddit Forza’s Discord for a while now. They keeps bashing Car Throttle. It hurts a bit as one of the few original member of this community. I have to admit that CT had turned from the god/hero tier (like Reddit and 4Chan) in 2015 to normie 9fag trash tier
I agree with you. I have been quite a bit on here too (even before creating an account) and I really like the discussion. Now it turned to the worse :(
That’s all true though.
I saw 4Chan members roasting CT as well
Honestly, as much as it hurts, it is the truest thing I’ve seen this year…
the first 4 points are crap. but the last point is true so hard
you forgot a good one: “He has some good shows, skits, and whatnot. But something about his teenish sense of humor and personality get under my skin. Me personally I love ChrisFix, Roadkill (and garage), Mighty Car Mods, and superspeedersRob. But there are tons out there to be found.”
The people over there are right though and I feel sad that it actually came like this. I just wish it was like before the app came out!