Do You Support The Anti-Uber Demonstrations?

In light of the shocking footage we've seen where cab drivers appear to block an ambulance from passing and where one disgruntled cabbie gets dragged 20 metres down the road, we want to know if you support the demonstrations...

Click this link to see shocking footage of recent anti-Uber demonstrations.

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What’s a uber

12/10/2015 - 13:33 |
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Adrian Rivero

In Uruguay, if you are a Uber driver, they retain your plate until you get off from Uber. I mean, really? The taxi service here is awfull: a**hole drivers, break every transit rule, expensive af, a divisor panel that will break your nose if the car brakes suddenly, and the most of the cars haven’t a propper seat belt in the back seats! But not, let’s stop Uber and not to check our actual service

12/10/2015 - 13:35 |
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I’m uruguaian, and Adrian is right… Here there is a War between Uber and Taxi syndicates. The goverment is supporting the taxis. It’s all like a Mafia…

12/10/2015 - 19:10 |
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If you need demonstrations to force people to use your service, then obviously something is wrong with your service. Sorry, but that’s how the free market works.

12/10/2015 - 13:39 |
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Uber = magnifique service. Cabbies are just worse; they sometimes overcharge you.
And the shocking thing is Zürich, the place where I came from is ranked 7th in 10 countries with the worst taxi drivers (they’re just expensive, not a problem if you’re filthy rich)

12/10/2015 - 13:44 |
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Here in Uruguay there is a big War between Uber and Taxi syndicates… The problem here is, the Taxi syndicate are like Mafia…

12/10/2015 - 15:06 |
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There is 66 taxi drivers in our community :D Is there be more?

12/10/2015 - 15:49 |
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Taxi Drivers Vs. Uber be like Music Industry Vs. iTunes

12/10/2015 - 17:20 |
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(Rant warning!) I’m all for Uber. I do feel for some of the taxi drivers although, living in Birmingham city centre, at 4am (whilst drunk) I’ve asked a few taxi drivers to take me the mile home (I feel safer) and i’m either refused as it’s too close OR they want £20 or something stupid. So stuff them.
I joined Uber and they’re more than willing to pick me up and take me home for £3.50. Will always use them now. Taxi drivers need to get with the times or quit.

12/10/2015 - 17:58 |
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The only reason these cab drivers livelihoods are being compromised is because they refuse to get with the times. They are just as eligable to become Uber drivers as the next guy. But they refuse because they are stuborn. It’s their own fault for not being willing to move foward with the generations.

12/10/2015 - 19:12 |
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This issue is actually be complicated. I’m not saying I’m pro taxi or uber. I personally think there’s a place for uber in society. However, if you put yourself in the shoes of these taxi drivers, you’ll see how unfair this can seem. The taxi drivers had to take specialized test and license which costs a lot (here in Canada). With that there are liability issues that come with uber for no having that license for the drivers. Also, taxi owners pay a lot of money to convert their cars into taxis (some $500k) because government sees the car as money making business now. So when your neighbour shows up as an uber driver who by passes all those procedures that take taxi drivers a long time to go through I’m pretty sure some jealousy will ensue and the feeling of unfairness. However, taxi drivers are wrong in this case because violence is NEVER the answer.

12/10/2015 - 19:25 |
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Sorry I meant stupidity is never the answer

12/10/2015 - 19:28 |
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You do make a great point about costs, but surely taxi companies must realize that they need to change they way their system is run in order to keep up with competition. Consumers always want the best value.

12/10/2015 - 20:59 |
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It’s evolution - adapt or die. Sure Uber drivers might be putting full time cabbies out of a job, but it’s the nature of the business. Facebook put Myspace out of business. Netflix put Blockbuster out of business. Fast food joints put small businesses out of work. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope left for them.

12/11/2015 - 12:20 |
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