11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

A little while ago we covered the small things that we thought could improve F1, and you guys took the opportunity to make some of your own funny suggestions
11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

1. F1 is missing something

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

The S80 Rallyist

“Bring back the excitement. #BringBackCrashtor

2. A slightly violent idea…

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

Samniss Arandeen

“The public execution of every environmentalist currently ruining F1 would be my minor tweak. Just line them up, gun them all down, and leave a mass grave of slaughtered eco-nuts to rot just inside Monaco’s Casino Square.”

3. Yes please!

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“Moar cylinders!”

4. Desperate to “improve the show”

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

Constandinos Zantis

“Discard all the horse poop elimination-style qualifying and whatever other gimmicks they come up with in desperation”

5. The picture makes the suggestion

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

Ålex Vargas Sz

“Or just one thing…V12.”

6. Bernie will probably live forever…

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“Get rid of Ecclestone, really not feeling the Bern.”

7. Mild rant incoming

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“The regulations are a little ridiculous. Tyre limits, fuel consumption limits, aren’t there a certain number of engine limits? Like an engine has to last a few races? Or there are only X number of engine allotted per year?
“Come on nobody cares about that stuff. Engines have to last a race and that’s it, tyre limits are gone, fuel consumption put at max so they can do whatever they’d like. Want an anti-lag system? Go right ahead.
“Make it fun! Make it exciting! I’ll bet you anything the average Formula 1 viewer doesn’t have a chart at home going anorak voice “oooooh this driver only went through 4.768 sets of tyres this race when the average was 4.798!” Nobody cares and numbers like that aren’t exciting.
“What is exciting is ever faster lap times and noise levels. There’s hardly any innovation in the sport anymore compared to the 70s or 80s.”

8. Not sure if serious or..?

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1

Chris Burn

“Rotary Engines
“Ground effect
“Fan cars
“Adaptive suspension
“Closed cockpits
“Passenger seats (rides given during qualifying to social media competition winners).
“Increase the number of gearboxes per season, and make them 10 speed.”

9. Everyone would watch that, surely?

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“What if they made everyone drive a Reliant Robin?”

10. Yes please!

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“You know what it needs? Morgan Freeman as a race navigator.”

11. Wasn’t expecting that comment!

11 Hilarious Suggestions You Had For Improving Formula 1


“Allow machine guns mounted on the cars so they can shoot at each other. That would make everything more exciting.”

You can see the original post and comments right here.

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Points 2-7 totally agree

03/14/2016 - 20:25 |
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rear wheel steering

03/14/2016 - 22:50 |
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10/11 ideas would be too expensive for 50% of the teams

07/12/2016 - 20:27 |
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