Learner Driver Passes Driving Test Despite Killing A Deer

Striking a deer half-way through your driving test is less than ideal, but if you keep calm and carry on, it's still possible to pass...
Learner Driver Passes Driving Test Despite Killing A Deer

I think we can all agree that the driving test is a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Even if you’re fully prepared, a pass isn’t guaranteed; even F1 superstar Jenson Button failed first time. Ultimately, anything can happen, so the most important thing is to stay calm, as demonstrated by learner driver Tom Lo when he took his test last week in rural Fingringhoe (stop sniggering at the back).

Half-way through his assessment a deer decided to test Tom’s emergency braking technique, jumping directly in front of his car. Travelling at 40mph, there was no time to avoid it, and he struck the deer head on, killing it instantly. Thankfully, Tom and his passenger got away without any injuries, and the car only suffered a cracked number plate.

Learner Driver Passes Driving Test Despite Killing A Deer

Somewhat surprisingly, Tom’s driving instructor Robert Jezierski decided to carry on with the lesson regardless. Tom said:

“The driving examiner checked the car and then we went on with the exam. It was something I was not expecting so I was a bit shaken up, but luckily I wasn’t too shaken up to continue. I got this test as a cancellation, the next one was 15 June, so it was quite important to pass it before my exams.”

Thankfully running down wildlife isn’t considered to be an instant fail, so Tom passed with just two minors. This got us thinking; have any CTzens experienced equally eventful driving tests? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Metro

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Adam Midderigh

My first test Im pretty sure my ‘Examiner’ was a paranoid robot…. I pulled off all the manouevers fine (Even the stupid reverse round corner) and then near the end as I was casually pulling out round some parked cars, he lept across the car and tried to grab the steering wheel out of my hand and I was like ‘What the actual fk are you doing!?’ and he replied ‘YOU NEARLY HIT THAT CAR!’ (One of the cars parked at the side of the road which I’d just driven round) I’ve still no idea what he was on about….. I’d been driving on public roads for about 8 months and had over 50 paid driving lessons so Im pretty sure I wouldnt just casually drive into some parked cars, guessing he was just so paranoid that he was watching me turning the steering wheel and decided I hadn’t put enough lock on. I knew I’d failed at that point so just to ps him off I floored it on the way back via a dual carrigeway and it was some compensation to see the look on his face. Passed the test on my next attempt with no minors/driver faults, the examiner I had that time was very friendly and said I was nearly flawless…..suck it , robot man.

04/20/2016 - 22:33 |
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Hehe. I approve of your failed test antics.

04/21/2016 - 01:45 |
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Doge_Stig (I'm literally Harambe)

Must’ve been driving a volvo to escape major damage

04/20/2016 - 22:42 |
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During my test my instructor unexpectedly told me to stop on a neighborhood street and reverse slowly (I guess so she could observe how I watched behind me). I couldn’t look out the back window because there was an infant seat in the way. I used the side mirrors and the back-up camera to see, but she still said I failed that part for not looking out the back window (???). I passed the test as a whole though.

04/20/2016 - 23:20 |
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Going for my full G me and a tractor trailer were side by side he was on the highway I was merging and we were both doing 80km/h so I wanted to pass him as I was allowed to go 100 and tractor trailers don’t accelerate at all so I wanted to get ahead of him then he decided I don’t want him to pass me and accelerated well above 100 and I couldn’t go any faster since I will fail by speeding so I had to brake in the acceleration lane to merge and then he dropped back down to 80 and because of that he made me fail my test and I had to go a 2nd time luckily I passed that time.

04/20/2016 - 23:37 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Heard of punctuation? The odd comma wouldn be nice, and if you’re feeling generous maybe a fullstop or two? :P Nah I hate people who speed up when you want to get passed them aye, really grinds my gears.

04/21/2016 - 01:43 |
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I went for my driving exam with a friend, which got first. She did almost all the things nice, but then the instructor told her to take a right that was a ramp, when climbing it she stalled it, then she had to put the car going in the middle of the ramp, she couldn’t the first tries, but the instructor gave her many opportunities, eventually she managed it, but she got so tense because of it that when the road leveled up and we made the turn into a smaller street that had incoming traffic, she went a bit to fast and mirror slapped a car parked on the side of the road. That was her downfall. Latter she told me the school hadn’t taught her how to move a car in a ramp. But good thing she made it the second time.

When it was my turn the instructor also told me to climb that ramp, but I was already expecting it so I didn’t stalled(that made me feel bad, since her mistake kinda helped me). But this wasn’t the problem in my own exam. This was it, the instructor tells me do do parallel parking, the place had like one car parked and like three more free, I didn’t knew in which spot I should park, so I just go ahead and park in the spot right behind the parked car. After the exam the instructor said I parked too tight (the car corners were like 5 cm away from each other when going in), that scared the hell out of me I tought he wanted to fail me (he would be failing me for being too good xD), but the truth is, this was how I parked: http://i.imgur.com/hXUIY6W.gif

04/20/2016 - 23:55 |
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My driving test was so boring… But i started at a burger king so at least my stomach was full…
We drove about 10-15 minutes (in germany a driving test is about 45 minutes) because the previous driver failed badly so they gave him extra time the instructor talked with my examiner the whole time about weathe politics etc i joined the talk after about 3 minutes
The exam only had some minor tests in it
-a round about
-reversing around a corner
-paralel parking
-autobahn (where he asked me to speed up)
Yeah thats it.. No cross town driving.. The whole test was industrial streets or Autobahn

04/21/2016 - 01:38 |
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I came to a 4 way stop on my Drivers test.
A van to my left starting sliding into the intersection so I did not move.
The van ended up sliding completely over the crosswalk and ended up in front of me so it was a very good decision on my part.
The driver behind me honked so the instructor failed me for an “unnecessarily long stop and impeading traffic.”
I was not pleased.

04/21/2016 - 01:49 |
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My first attempt… Well, I come from a rural town with pretty much no cars. So learning to actually control the car was easy, and I could learn all the road rules without the stress of being in a city.

Anyway, I had never driven in a city before my test. Like, never. I was doing it in a car that doesn’t have wing mirrors. I was pretty nervous in all honesty. Nailed my parallel park first time, did the first section of the test quite well. By the time I got back to the testing facility, I was feeling more confident and felt like I had pretty much passed. Maybe it wasn’t the most flawless of driving examples, but I hadn’t stalled, there had been no bunny hops, no ground gears, nothing. Then he told me I failed. I’m like, you… you f#cking what? “Well you see you didn’t stop at the stop sign, you didn’t check your mirror enough, and you didn’t look over your shoulder when you changed lanes. Also, you screwed up the roundabout.”

I was too shocked to say anything. Yes, I screwed up the roundabout, but that was more because some idiot pulled out in front of me and I had to take evasive action. I stopped at the stop light, because the car was rolling backwards, meaning it has to have stopped at some point. My mirror was in a position that meant I didn’t have to move my head to look in it, so of course he didn’t see me checking it while he was furiously scribbling on his clipboard. I did check over my shoulder, but I did it very quickly, so I could look back and see where I was going, so maybe he missed it.

In all honesty though, I think he just didn’t like me, for one reason or another. Passed the second time no trouble though.

04/21/2016 - 02:33 |
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So it was my driving test, everything was going well till at one moment during a u-turn, a car suddenly stopped in front of me and I hit the brakes while forgetting to press the clutch. Engine stalled but I restarted it and carried on (normally they’ll fail you if the engine stalls during test). But it seems like the instructor fell asleep.

04/21/2016 - 02:50 |
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I learned driving mostly in a Ford Focus, and on the day of my exam, my instructor pulled up in a Mustang.

I did not run over anyone. Moreover, I actually passed the exam.

04/21/2016 - 03:55 |
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